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WEO holds a Networking Event to shed light on the various activities done within the Tebayi project

WEO holds a Networking Event to shed light on the various activities done within the Tebayi project

On the 25th of October, 2021, WEO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs in Kurdistan, and in partnership with Mesen met een Missie, held a Networking Event in Erbil. The event aimed to shed light on the various activities done within the Tebayi project. A number of representatives of the KRG and Civil Society Organizations have attended the event.

During the event a discussion session was moderated by Mr. Nuri Bekhali where some of the participants exchanged their insights and experiences with the Tebayi project. The event concluded with a set of recommendations in addition to sharing ideas about possible future plans.

It is worth mentioning that the Tebayi project was organized for 12 religious’ leaders from different religions and regions in Kurdistan. Tebayi project aims to enhance the role of religious leaders and religious actors in building inclusive societies.