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Women Empowerment Organization held several participatory meetings to discuss and receive feedback with decision-makers in Salah al-Din Governorate.

Women Empowerment Organization held several participatory meetings to discuss and receive feedback with decision-makers in Salah al-Din Governorate.

Women Empowerment Organization held several participatory meetings to discuss and receive feedback with decision-makers in Salah al-Din Governorate. A group of women from marginalized groups participated to understand their priorities and needs in addition to the challenges they face in their governorate. Eight government institutions attended the session (Management of Organizations in the Governorate, Women Empowerment, Department of Health, Immigration and Displaced Persons, Community Police, Department of Agriculture, Feminist activists, Media representatives). The discussions during the session also revealed various and important challenges facing all participants, some of which are related to government procedures and institutions, as indicated by representatives of government institutions. Others are related to societal issues.